for the Pentecost Sunday Year B)
as we are celebrating the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the word of God gives account
of this Event, in four different ways, to
demonstrate that the Holy Spirit, the breath of God, cannot be locked up in
human schemes. In the Gospel, the Holy Spirit comes as a consoling
presence, a counsellor, Spirit of truth and a witness to Christ. In the Acts of
the Apostles, He comes as energy, courage, life force. He opens a new horizon.
In the Pauline account, He comes with different fruits as opposed to the works
of the flesh. And the fourth account is in the verse of today’s Psalm “Send forth your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth”
(Ps.104:30). All the earth, nothing
and nobody is excluded. Indeed, what we
are celebrating today is the fulfilment of the promise of the Risen Christ.
times in his farewell speech, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to the
apostles: “I will not leave you orphans… I will send you the Paraclete, the
Spirit of truth… and you will receive the Holy Spirit” (Jn. 14). And 50 days after the Resurrection, Jesus maintains his
promise, as St. Luke recounts in the Acts of the Apostles. St. John instead, in
his Gospel collocates the coming of the Holy Spirit in the evening of the same
day of Resurrection, as such, he intends to make us understand that the Holy
Spirit is the most important Gift of the Risen Christ, the most precious fruit of his gesture of love and obedience to the
The word Pentecost is from a Greek word which means fiftieth. The
Pentecost was an old Jewish traditional feast that was celebrated 50 days after
the Passover. It commemorated the arrival of the people of Israel at Mount Sinai,
and the giving of the law to Moses on Mount Sinai (cf. Ex. 34, 28). And for us today, it refers to the descent of the
Holy Spirit on the apostles and others who were present at the Upper room. A gaze into the Old Testament reveals the power and
activity of God’s Spirit at work. For instance, God allowed His Spirit to rest
on the seventy elders who were appointed to assist Moses (Num. 11:16-17; 25). After his anointing as King, Saul received the
Spirit of God and prophesied (1 Sam.
10:10); and when he lost his connection with God the Spirit of God left him
(1 Sam. 16:14). Therefore,
obedience to God attracts the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life, for it
can be seen that when Saul disobeyed God, the Spirit of God that was upon him
departed from him (cf. 1Sam. 15:26;
16:14). The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a mark of God’s presence in us. David was a man filled with God’s Spirit and when he
sinned he begged God not to take the Holy Spirit away from him (Psalm 51:11).
Be that
as it may, the yearly celebration of the Pentecost brings to us the
consciousness of the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit and as such, we are
invited to discover the essence of His presence in our life and in the Church.
The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Holy Trinity. Even in the Credo we
repeat “I believe in the Holy Spirit”. He
is the Gift of God and the Giver of God’s gift to us. And as we celebrate
this descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles many centuries ago, let us
dispose our hearts and our whole being in order to receive this outpouring.`
In the first reading (Acts 2:1-11), St. Luke
tells us that the Holy Spirit came down on the apostles. This account of the
Pentecost permits us to discover another great thing that the Holy Spirit
represents for the Church, the life
force that nourishes her in her Mission. There are some vital elements to
ponder upon in the passage, first, “they were all together”, this entails that the Holy Spirit comes where there is unity.
Second, “A sound came from heaven like a mighty wind, this lays credence that it is truly Ruah
Adonai, for the Holy Spirit manifests Himself so many times through the
wind. In the book of Genesis (1:2)
we are told that at the first moment of creation “The Spirit of God moved upon
the face of the waters”. Third, “It rested on each one of them and they were
filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages”. This is
suggestive that the Holy Spirit came on
them individually, likewise his
gifts are individually given but for the common purpose, other languages here symbolizes a language of
love that all understand. Little wonder, St. Paul tells us: “If I speak
with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a
noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (1Cor
13, 1-2). Fourth, “at this sound the multitude came together”, this gesture of gathering together is the
beginning of the Church’s mission to evangelize, because they are gathered
in order to be sent. Fifth, “we hear them telling in our tongues the mighty
works of God”, indeed, the Holy Spirit
urges us to proclaim the wonderful works God has wrought for us, and as
such, it was the major content of the preaching of the apostles that very day.
On the other hand, in the book of Genesis (11,
1-9), we see a direct opposite of what happened today in the Acts of the
Apostles, the tower of Babel, where people because of pride, presumption and
distance from God, were divided and were thrown into confusion and
incomprehension, language became a source of confusion instead of unity and
understanding. That indicates simply the
absence of the Holy Spirit.
In the second reading (Gal.5:16-25), St. Paul gives us
an eloquent and concrete indications on
how to be witnesses of Christ through the Holy Spirit. St. Paul affirms
that deep within us, there is a struggle
between “the flesh” and “the spirit”. In his words, “the Spirit has desires
contrary to the flesh, and the flesh has desires contrary to the Spirit” (v.17). The consequences is that many a
times, we do not do the good we desire, as Paul experienced: “the good thing I
want to do, I never do; the evil thing which I do not want- that is what I do” (Rm. 7:19). St. Paul enlists the works
of the flesh and afterwards the fruits of the Spirit. The works of the flesh
are: “immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife,
jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit, envy, drunkenness,
carousing”. The fruits of the Spirit includes: “love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control”. In Paul’s
parlance, with and through our baptism we belong to Christ, and as such, “All
who to Christ Jesus have crucified self with all its passions and its desires” (Gal. 5:24), thus, we have become temple
of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul further
admonished that our Christian life has to be a “walk”, a movement according to
the exigencies of the Spirit. In that bid, our life in the Spirit abhors
passivity, for we are called to allow “our behaviour be guided by the Spirit” (Gal. 5:25), and indeed, “all who are
guided by the Spirit of God are sons of God” (Rm. 8:14).
The Gospel passage of St. John (Jn. 15:26-27;16:12-15) we read today helps us to understand the
importance and need of the presence
and the action of the Holy Spirit in
the world, in the church and in the life of every single Christian. St. John
therein, presents the Holy Spirit as the “witness” of Christ before the world,
for “when the Paraclete comes whom I shall send to you from the Father, the
Spirit of truth who issues from the Father, he will be my witness. And you too
will be witnesses, because you have been with me from the beginning” (Jn. 15:26-27). In all, we ought to
bear in mind that today, the Holy Spirit desires to continue to speak to the
world through our collective (as a church) and individual witnesses, just like
in the beginning, through the preaching and testimony of the apostles and
disciples. St. John puts it succinctly thus: “And you too will be witnesses,
because you have been with me from the beginning” (Jn. 15:27), even though that referred to the disciples, the same
word re-echoes for us today.
promised his followers formally that he will send them the Holy Spirit, and as
such, he fulfilled his promise (first reading) on the Pentecost day. The Holy
Spirit is promised and sent by Jesus so that He can accomplish two broad
missions amongst the disciples and in the Church; and that is revealed in the two mission-titles given by Jesus:
“Spirit of truth” and “Paraclete/Counsellor”. First, He will bring the disciples
to the knowledge of the revealed truth and he will give them consolation and
comfort. The apparent emptiness created by the absence of Jesus will be filled
by the presence of the Holy Spirit, Second, Jesus says, “I shall ask the
Father, and he will give you another Paraclete to be with you for ever” (Jn. 14:16). Such that, after being consoled and confirmed by the
Holy Spirit, the disciples can give courageous witness of their faith in Christ
before the world.
his earthly ministry, we could say that Jesus entrusted the mission of a complete
teaching of the truth to the Spirit. For this, he assured his followers: “However,
when the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth” (Jn. 16:13). Jesus promises fervently
that through the action of the Holy Spirit they will be led to the
comprehension of the entire truth (on his person, on his doctrine and on the
salvific project of the Father). The
Spirit will not add anything to the truth proclaimed by Jesus, for in
Jesus’ words: “all he reveals to you will be taken from what is mine” (Jn. 16:14). Therefore, the truth remains the same but it will be better understood
with great profundity and richness by the disciples.
beloved in Christ, the Pentecost experience still continues, like the first Christian community today we
are gathered, but unlike the first
Christian community we are not waiting for the absent Spirit to come, rather we have to reawaken ourselves to the
Spirit who is already present and working in, for and through us since we
received Him during our Baptism. We only
need to wake up to His presence. We need the Holy Spirit in all that we do,
even Jesus at the beginning of his mission declared: ‘The Spirit of God is upon
me” (Lk. 4:18; cf. Is. 61:1). We
need Him in our weaknesses and He prays in us, for this St. Paul said that “the
spirit comes to help in our weakness, for when we do not know how to pray
properly, he intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words” (Rm. 8:26). It is the same Spirit that bears witness to our divine identity, as God’s
children, “The Spirit himself joins our spirit to bear witness that we are
children of God” (Rm. 8:16), he confirms our filial identity. And
above all, St. Paul captured the essence of the Pentecost experience when he
affirms and confirms that “our Hope does not disappoint us, for God has poured
out His Love into our hearts by means of the Holy Spirit, who is God’s gift to
us” (Rm. 5:5). May God continue to
pour His gifts upon us through the Holy Spirit, the highest Gift of God. Come o
Holy Spirit and fill our hearts with Love and with a hope that does not
disappoint! Be renewed as we receive the outpouring! And as we welcome Him
today may the same Spirit liberate us from all that do not allow us to be free
sons and daughters of God! May He chase away the powers of darkness in our
hearts and in our world with his Eternal light!
Come O Holy Spirit!
Come Father of the poor!
Come Our Great Intercessor!
Come the Liberator of mankind!
Come Gift of God Most High!
Come Love of the Father and the Son!
Come on everyone of Us!
Come so that we may become courageuos
witnesses of the Risen Christ!!!
(Fr. Vitus M.C. Unegbu, SC)
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