Saturday, 6 January 2018

The Epiphany Event

(Homily for Epiphany Sunday, Year B)
          The feast of Epiphany points to the manifestation of God to man, without ifs and buts. For through the visit of the wise men, the universal salvific will of the Father is made manifest. The feast originated from the Eastern Church, there it was merely a celebration of the Lord’s Baptism. The Baptism of the Lord was interpreted as the first of his epiphanies or manifestation. Historically, when this feast spread to the West, it began to be celebrated mainly as a commemoration of the visit of the Magi. Epiphany is from the Greek word epiphaneia which means appearance. However, in the Catholic tradition it is identified as the feast of the three Kings. More than that, Epiphany celebrates mainly the self- revelation or manifestation of God to the Gentile (to non-Jews = the Magi), and this is portrayed by the visit of the three wise men in the Gospel, with the gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.
          The first reading (Is. 60:1-6) could be divided into two, while verses 1-3 dwell on the fulfilment of (Is. 40) at the return of the exiles from Babylon to Jerusalem, verses 4-6 are about the prediction of the eschatological pilgrimage of the gentiles to Jerusalem after the reconstruction of the city. Besides, verses 1-3 are symbolic of Christ’s event, and as such the message therein supersedes the return of the exiles from Babylon, the Christ event is the salvific event. This idea is further explicated with the imageries of “light” and “glory”. On the other hand, verses 4-6 presents the response of the gentiles to that revelation, fulfilled through the coming of Christ. And the journey and visit of the Magi is symbolic of this response. More still, verse 6 with its reference to “gold” and “frankincense” influenced in no small way the story of the Magi in (Mt. 2:1-1).
          The second reading (Eph. 3:2-3a.5-6) from the Pauline epistle combines the two basic themes of the first reading and the Gospel: God’s revelation (epiphany) and the participation of the gentiles to the Messianic Salvation, thus the universality of Salvation.
          In the Gospel reading (Mt. 2:1-12) Mathew presents the episode of the journey and visit of the Magi to the Child Jesus. As a matter of fact, at the threshold of Christianity, the accounts on the Magi’s story gave rise to plausible facts thus:
►First is the tracing of Jesus’ Davidic descent, which according to the Jews is a qualification for the messiahship (cf. Rm. 1:3). The importance attached to the infancy narrative of Mathew and Luke throws more light to this.
►Second is the dating of Jesus’ birth (eg. Mathew and Luke) towards the end of Herod the Great’s reign (4.B.C), this too is historically plausible.
►Third, the use of the star as a messianic symbol (cf. Num. 24:17). In turn we are also called to become stars that lead others to Jesus. How often do we indicate Jesus to others or enlighten others as a result of our encounter with Him?
          Today’s Gospel in no small way revolves around the adoration of the New Born King by three wise men, the Magi. In Mathew’s account they observed and followed the star (v.2), which reveals that they had knowledge of astrology. Again, we are told that they came from the east, this implies that they came from Mesopotamia, which according to the Hellenist world is known to be home for astrology. However, it is worthy to note that this gospel is not just about the Magi, rather the One who has been born, and the King of the Jews.
          Jesus was born at the fullness of time, or better when the time was fulfilled, at that point in time people were longing for the Messiah (Gal.4:4). Despite this longing, which for some was real, and for others it was apparent, in today’s gospel we see different categories of people that showed different reactions about his birth and presence:
■Herod, the king was blocked by seeing Jesus because of his suspicion. The birth of Jesus meant insecurity for him, little wonder, he killed whoever he suspected to be a rival. Thus, his reaction towards Jesus was that of hostility.
■The Chief priests and the scribes: this group reacted differently. They were indifferent to the presence of Jesus, they didn’t care. They were busy with their affairs in the temple and legal discussions. Probably, they were afraid of King Herod, little wonder they handed him the information and remained unmoved. They did not even dare to lead the Magi.
■The Magi, were learned people, but their knowledge did not get over their head. And as such, their reaction was that of openness and acceptance. When they found Jesus, they adored him and offered him gifts: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.
          Be that as it may, the Magi did not present mere gifts to the King, rather the three gifts they offered to Him were replete and beaming with significance.
Gold: which symbolizes a gift for Kings, denoting his Kingship. It was indeed a sign of their sincere and total love.
Frankincense: the ancient people used it for religious worship, and it points to gods and divinity. It is therefore a symbol of the divinity of Christ. The Magi used it to adore Him.
Myrrh: in the ancient world was used to prepare dead bodies. For instance, we remember the woman that came with myrrh to the tomb of Jesus. This points to the vulnerability of the human nature that Jesus assumed. This gift is therefore symbolic of Jesus’ humanity.
          The prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled in the episode of the arrival of the Magi to Jerusalem, and in turn we could equally say that the Gospel is the fulfilment of his prophecy that “at his light all peoples will walk”, and the Magi did follow the star. Therefore, with the fulfilment of this prophecy, God’s revelation brings to fulfilment various novelties of great importance:
●That the center of the nations is not a city (Jerusalem) but a person: Jesus, the Messiah and Lord, born in Bethlehem.
●The journey towards this center will not be only for the Jews, but for all, Jews and pagans alike.
●The people will not converge to Jerusalem to render cult to Yahweh in the temple, but in Bethlehem to adore a Baby in the arms of his Mother Mary.
          In all, the red thread that runs through the readings of today is the revelation of God in Christ and its universality. Without mincing words, the narrative of the Magi stands as a symbolic expression of these truths, that is, God’s revelation and its universality. The journey of the Magi might be taken as an expression of man’s religious quest, and as such man as capax Dei, to say it with St. Augustine. The question that should stem from our hearts is whether we still have this religious zeal and quest today? Do we still have the quest for God? What is our own reaction to this New Born King, is it that of hostility, indifference, or concern and love? That of the Magi was love and adoration, even me today I have come to adore him. What of you? Let us join the Magi in this mirable and admirable Adoration of the New Born King!!! Come let us adore Him!!!
(Fr. Vitus M.C. Unegbu)

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