4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr. B)
The word of God today revolves around the
prophet and the authority imbedded in every authentic prophetic word. When
there is a coincidence between a messenger and his message, one cannot but
accept the credibility and the authority in his word and message. In the case
of Jesus, his name correspondence with his message. For the name Jesus in Hebrew is Joshua which means “God saves”. Therefore, imbedded in his name are
his identity and mission. His words are power-packed for his authority comes
from above. He is the Prophet per excellence!
The first
Reading from the book of Deuteronomy (Deut.
18:15-20), talks about a prophet to be sent after Moses. First of all,
who is a prophet? (One who speaks on behalf of the other, somebody’s spokesman)
So, a prophet of God is one who speaks on behalf of God or in the name of God.
In doing this, he might refer to past or future events. But he is not merely a
futurologist (someone who merely predicts the future). Furthermore, it is not
enough to speak in the name of God, such an individual must be called by God
and backed by His authority too. This brings us to the theme of AUTHORITY. A
prophet does not preach or speak out of his own accord, rather he is under the
coverage of God’s authority. In this passage, Moses assured the people of
God’s provision of a prophet like him who will speak the word of which he would
be given. He therefore instructed the people to listen to him as the words he
would be speaking belongs to God. Besides, a prophet is expected to speak only
in the name of God and not in his or in the name of other gods.
We may well presume that the prophet
referred to in the First Reading is Joshua, since he took over from Moses and
God also assured him that as He was with Moses his servant, He shall also be
with him (Joshua 1:5). This may not
be a very wrong guess even though it may not be exact. We may deem it plausible
to say that the prophet referred to in
the First reading goes beyond Joshua. In fact, prefiguratively, it
accurately points to our Lord Jesus Christ who came as the greatest of all the prophets
and spoke in the name of God with authority, as revealed in the Gospel reading.
And there we go!
The Gospel passage (Mark 1:21b-28) presents the episode of the authoritative teaching
of Jesus. Jesus as particular to Mark enters the synagogue to teach, and Mark
underscores the power of Jesus’ teaching “like someone with authority”. Just as
each one of us goes to church or a place of worship to pray and to have an
encounter, similarly, Jesus went to the Synagogue and there he taught them. He
taught them with authority, and with the same authority he commanded the evil
spirit to be mute. The authority
manifested in his teaching gained him the admiration, fame and the amazement of
those around. Indeed, he did capture the attention of his listeners. This passage follows the gospel reading of last
Sunday, therein after the call of the first disciples, Mark narrates that Jesus
embarked on his public ministry in Galilee. In his narrative, the first episode
Mark presents is an exorcism (Mk.
1:23-26). Mark emphasized on
Jesus teaching, but without indicating the content of that teaching. He says
that he taught as one having authority. The Greek word for authority is ‘exousia’,
which also has the connotation of power, especially in the context of miracle.
Indeed, Mark didn’t deny that Jesus displayed both authority and power in his
miracles. The exorcism must have followed
as a demonstration of the power of Jesus’ teaching with authority. His Word is
Another important point we must
acknowledge today is drawn from the healing of the man with unclean spirit as
we read from the Gospel passage. We are told that the unclean spirits
recognized our Lord Jesus Christ and not only called him Jesus of Nazareth but
also the Holy One of God. On our part, as those who hear the prophetic
utterances do we recognize the Lord in his word and messages? Jesus teaches and
preaches without fear of anything or anybody, not even of evil spirits who know
and recognize Him. The evil spirits are afraid of Him, little wonder, the man
with unclean spirit cried out: “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?
Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are- the Hole one of God!” And
immediately Jesus rebuked and commanded him, “Quiet! Come out of him!” The amazing question of the man with
unclean spirit: Have you come to destroy us? Yes! Jesus has come to destroy all
that tends to destroy man! We remember the episode where the disciples were
sailing in the stormy lake of Galilee, Jesus gave the same command: “Be silent”
and immediately the sea was calm (cf.
Mk. 4:35-41).
St. Mark communicates to us that the God
revealed by Jesus is a God who brings life, liberation and healing and not
death. The episode between Jesus and the man with unclean spirit expresses this
fact eloquently. It is interesting the reaction of the man with unclean spirit towards
Jesus: “I know who you are”. The crowd described him as one teaching with
authority, which is seen in his authority over evil. Yet, the crowd was not
able to identify the source of this authority, if not the possessed man who
shouted “I know who you are-the holy one of God”. However, his listeners noticed that there was something different from the way,
the tone and the style of Jesus’ teaching, compared to that of the Scribes.
Jesus speaks and talks from the heart,
and as such his words reach the heart of his listeners. His is a heart-to-heart
communication. For this, his listeners were able to notice that there is
something extraordinary in his teaching.
In the Gospel of Mark there are twofold questions that permeate the whole corpus and continue to linger, and they are:
“who is this man? (Mk. 4:41); what is this? (Mk. 1:27)” The first question
arises because of his person and his deeds, while the second as we saw in this
Gospel passage is just about his deeds and prodigies. However, these two
amazing questions point to the Marcan Messianic secret. These questions continue
until the moment of his death, when the roman soldier who witnessed the passion
and saw how Jesus died declared: “truly this man was a son of God” (Mk. 15:39). Likewise, we need to
recognize who Jesus is. He is not an ordinary person, but the Holy one of God, the
Son of God. In the gospel of Mark we are told that “whenever unclean spirits
saw him they would fall down before him and shout, “You are the Son of God”” (Mk. 3:11). Funny enough, the messianic secret of Mark was revealed on a number of
times by the evil spirits. Even the evil spirits know and recognize Jesus
as the Son of God. Then, what should be the difference between our knowledge of
Him and that of the evil spirits? In Greek there are two major words that indicate
knowledge: ‘gnosis’ and ‘epignosis’, while gnosis
alludes to ordinary, head and idealistic knowledge, epignosis has to do with
real, practical and existential knowledge. Thus, unless our knowledge of him is existential and transformational, we
risk remaining at the same knowledge level with the unclean spirits.
Indeed, it is the real and self-involved
knowledge of Him that will gain us eternal life. For this St. John evinces
“And eternal life is this: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom
you have sent” (Jn. 17:3). This knowledge has to change our life, else
we risk being like the unclean spirits that know Jesus by words of mouth, and
not by deeds.
In the second reading (1 Cor.7:32-35) when some of the
Corinthians were worried and anxious about life, St. Paul encouraged them
saying: “We must be free from anxiety”. And it is only when we are immersed in the God-experience that we can
be relieved from anxieties and worries, whether married or not. St. Paul
exhorts us to be conscious of the call from God, so that we can have undivided devotion for the Lord. He praises
purity for the sake of God’s kingdom. He emphasizes that married people are
taken up by their worries of this world. By that, Paul does not intend to condemn
marriage. However, he stresses that celibacy places someone in a better
position to serve God.
Above all else, however, the fascinating and soul southing good news
of this day, is that when the word of God inhabits in our heart, when God takes
the driver-seat in our life, we too can teach and speak with authority, as
an offshoot from an authentic experience with and in Jesus Christ. Beloved there are some areas of our life that we need
to dispose for the Lord to destroy them, just as the man with unclean spirit cried
out “have you come to destroy us?” It is only when he destroys those aspects of
us inhibited by evil and vices that we can be free and saved. We cannot but
conclude with the words of the Psalmist thus: “O that today you would listen to
his voice! Harden not your hearts” (Ps.
(Fr. Vitus
Unegbu, SC)