Monday, 30 December 2024

Beginning The New year With the Mother of God!

 (Homily for the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God & New Year 2025)

          We are at the threshold of the New Year (2025), and it is frankly motivating beginning the year by confessing the Sovereignty of God and the divine Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God coincides with the ushering in of a novelty, the New Year. The celebration of this great Mother today is indeed a symbol of the Church’s solicitation of her prayers and care. So that as she took care of her son, she will also take care of us in the course of this year and beyond. We celebrate today the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, and a perusal into the readings of this day suggests two sentences that situate us well into the context of today’s feast: ●First, in the epistle, “but when the completion of time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born a subject of the Law” (Gal. 4:4). ●Second, in the Gospel, “Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Lk. 2:19). While the first sentence presents Mary as the Mother of the Only Begotten Son of God, the second, presents her as a model of faith. The two verses (Gal. 4:4 & Lk. 2:19) emphasize on Mary not merely as Theotokos, but as the paradigm of faith. Therefore, the solemnity of Mary Mother of God not only reminds us of Mary’s divine Maternity, but also it brings to our consideration the admiration and the imitation of Mary as a model of faith. The title of Mary as Theotokos was defined by the Church in one of her first ecumenical councils held at Ephesus in 431. However, the thrust of today’s readings is the birth of Christ as the inauguration of the saving act of God. The three readings of today are closely knit, in the passage of the Gospel; the episode of the circumcision is linked with the epistle reading: “born under the law”. Again, the naming of Jesus is linked with the threefold name of the Aaronic blessing in the first reading.

          As we begin this New Year let us learn from our Mother Mary, let us surrender to God’s will just as she did: “I am the handmaid of the Lord”, “Let it be done to me according to your word”. Let us appropriate her dispositions of heart and mind. As we begin this year with her let us hearken to her advice: “do whatever he tells you”, because in his word is our peace, he has the message of eternal life. The name January is derived from the name of the Roman god: Janus, and Janus had two faces, one looking back and the other looking forward. Therefore, today is a day to look back on all that we have done the past year and make a proper examination of conscience. It is not an invitation to make us remain in the mistakes of yesterday or to live in regret, rather it will help us to redirect our steps and rediscover some essential values needed in our lives as Christians. So it is equally a day and time to look forward to the new year ahead of us. We need to treasure the time God has given to us in this life and in this year. Each year is unique, irreplaceable and unrepeatable. We need to invoke and allow the grace of God to sanctify our ordinary time and transform it to an extraordinary time, a special time of grace, from chronos we need to pass to kairos. For this, St. Paul invited the Ephesians to “make the best of the present time” (Eph. 5:16).

         The first reading (Num. 6:22-27) presents the Aaronic blessing and this is really a particularity of the Old Testament anticipation of the Church’s faith in the Trinity, the threefold “Holy” (cf. Is. 6:3). From the time of creation it has been God’s plan and desire to bless every living thing He has created, “God blessed them” (Gen. 1:22); and he blesses in a particular way, Adam and Eve as representatives of the entire humanity, “God blessed them” (Gen. 1:28); after the flood, God blessed Noah and his sons (cf. Gen. 9:1); he also blessed Abraham so that in him all peoples will be blessed (cf. Gen. 12:2-3; 23:17-18). Consequently, St Paul writes: “All nations will be blessed in you. So it is people of faith who receive the same blessing as Abraham, the man of faith” (Gal. 3:8b-9). And before leaving this world to return to His Father, Jesus blessed His people (cf. Lk. 24:51). In this passage we see the threefold blessing with which to begin this New Year: ► May the Lord bless you and keep you (v.24). ►May the Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you (v. 25). ►May the Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace (v.26). And the three times repetition of “the Lord” (Yahweh) points to the divine sovereignty. Indeed, this threefold blessing is crowned with God’s intention to bless his people, for in the last verse we read, “They will call down my name…and I will bless them” (v.27). A blessing is a divine word that has power to pass on good things, and indeed, the idea of the passing of good things from generation to generation is really appropriate for this day (New Year’s Day). Today, the Church through her priests invokes all these blessings on all the faithful, and I invoke these blessings on you all, on your families and on our society at large.

           As a matter of fact, in biblical terms, “name” is very important, especially when it has to do with the name of God, which the Jews considered unpronounceable. The name in general indicates the whole person, in toto. Thus, with reference to God, the name of God is associated with his being. As such, to bless in the name of God entails invoking upon the people all that God is and all that He has done and does for his people. Even the responsorial psalm took up again the theme of God’s blessing on Israel and on us today: “May God show us his kindness (mercy) and bless us” (Ps. 67:1). Interestingly, the word kindness (mercy) of God, which is “hesedh” in Hebrew, embraces all that God has done in his mighty acts towards Israel and for us in Jesus Christ.

          The epistle (Gal. 4:4-7) from St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians talks about the purpose why God sent his Son, that is, “to redeem those who were under the law”. Here, St. Paul stressed that the purpose of the Incarnation was man’s liberation from the law to the status of sonship, for we are no longer slaves but sons. Therein, we notice the latent stress on being “born of a woman”, which denotes that his origin is not only from “above”, but also from “below” (He took flesh from the Blessed Virgin Mary). It equally alludes to the divine maternity of this “woman”, the Mother of God. Thus, situating us well into the context of today’s solemnity.

           St. Ignatius of Anthioch called Jesus “the Son of God and of Mary”. This title or affirmation elevates Mary at the side of the Heavenly Father. At the same time it collocates her close to us as our Mother, the Mother of the Church. For Jesus whom she generated has taken us as his brothers and sisters. He united himself with us to the extent of forming one body with us, he is our Head, but also our brother. In the words of St. Paul he is “the eldest of many brothers” (Rm. 8:29). In the second reading St. Paul stressed on it vigorously thus: “God sent his Son, born of a woman…so that we could receive adoption as sons” (Gal. 4:4.5). As Jesus in Mary becomes the Son of Man, we, sons of men, we are made sons of God. At the moment when, from Son he made himself a servant, we who were servants/slaves become sons. Thus the apostle reminds us: “you are no longer a slave, but a son” (Gal. 4:7). This indeed is the admirable exchange around which revolves today’s liturgy of the word. And Mary was the “locus” and the Mediatrix of that exchange. And having being made children of God through the Spirit, we acquired the right to use the language and confidence of sons before God, calling him like Jesus: “Abba Father”. This is Jesus’ “ipsissima vox”, that is his own voice without passing through any translation. We need to be more conscious of this our right as sons and daughters, therefore, we cannot but imitate Jesus our Brother, who in the anguish of the Garden of Olive, as well as in the moments of joy, always was entrusting himself to the Father: “Father if it is possible…”, “I thank you Father”, “Father in your hands I commend my spirit”. We need to re-construct our life on this filial rapport with the Father.

          Furthermore, still on the purpose for the coming of the Son, we deem it fit to underscore that it is not merely an event of the past, rather it is an event with direct existential importance for us today. The liberation of man from the bondage of the law, made possible by the coming of the Son of God, is a wonderful and wondrous blessing! The most sublime blessing, the summary of all the blessings of God to humanity is Jesus, the gift of the Incarnate Word. Little wonder St. Paul affirmed: “Blessed be God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all the spiritual blessings of heaven in Christ” (Eph. 1:3). The Son of God became man so that we may become sons and daughters of God. This becoming, is a process, and not a momentary conquest, for it requires us to live everyday like sons and daughters of God. Thus, “agitur seguitur esse” (i.e. our actions have to correspond with our being, our filial status in God).

          The Gospel reading (Lk. 2:16-21) summarily highlights the two important historical events in the life of Jesus: the circumcision and the naming of Jesus. However, when we go back to the preceding verse to the Gospel text of toady, where the shepherds say to one another, “let’s go to Bethlehem and see this event which the Lord has made known to us” (Lk.2:16), and in verse 20 the evangelist says: “the shepherds went back glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as they had been told”. The angel announced to the shepherds “A Savior has been born for you, who is the Messiah, the Lord”. Even though the sovereignty of the Messiah is not readily seen in the Child, rather all seem to give evidence to his submission to the law of the people, as in the second reading. Indeed, the truth remains that the Son of God, becoming a baby in the womb of the Blessed Mother Mary, and being born in Bethlehem of Judah, manifests his sovereignty in a most humble manner. Once again, there is the theme of the divine name in the Aaronic blessing and its connection with the naming of Jesus which means Yahweh saves. Indeed, Jesus’ name is a programmatic description of the whole purpose of the Incarnation.

          The passage of the Gospel noted something very important about Mary: “She treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Lk. 2:19). What are the things that she treasured and pondered in her heart? The words and the events of those days, all that happened in the occasion of the birth of Jesus. Christmas was for her an event to treasure and to meditate on and on, it was for her a school of faith. The word of God was made flesh two times in her life: first physically, when she carried and nourished him (the Word) in her womb for nine months; second spiritually and existentially, every moment of her life was inspired by the word of God and she carried it out faithfully, the word of God became the compass that directs and gives bearing to her life. Let us join in her deep pondering on the Word of God. We cannot imitate her in the first incarnation, but we can imitate her in the second. In the words of St. Augustine we can like her “conceive the Word in our mind”. This merited her the beatitude that Jesus proclaimed on the visit of his Mother: “More blessed still are those who hear the word of God and keep it” (Lk. 11:28). St. John says: “to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believed in his name” (Jn. 1:12). We have been begotten to the Father, through Jesus, and we are children of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus, and his mother Mary, our mother too. On the cross Jesus handed her over to us (cf. Jn. 19:27).

          Above all else however, in the first reading the word of God says “so shall they put my name upon the sons of Israel, and I will bless them” (Num. 6:27) and in the Gospel we are presented with the naming of the Child of Bethlehem, who was named JESUS, a name which means Yahweh saves. Be that as it may, beginning the New Year with this double invocation of God’s name and the name of Jesus surely paves way for innumerable blessings and favor. Indeed, the Lord who has wrought wonders in the history of the chosen people, will continue to do it even in our own time and in our life.  As we celebrate the World Day of Peace today may the Lord, the Prince of Peace give peace to our troubled world, to our families and internal peace to all of us. May our Blessed Mother Mary, the Theotokos, the Mother of God continue to accompany us in our earthly sojourn! May she (Mary) who is an embodiment of God’s blessings attract God’s blessings to us!! May we all be assured of her intercession this New Year and beyond!!! Happy New Year to U all!!!

(Fr. Vitus Chigozie, SC)



Friday, 27 December 2024

At The School Of The Holy Family’s Faithfulness!

(Homily for the Feast of the Holy Family, Year C)

          There is no gainsaying the fact that Christmas is a family time. For it is a time of re-union of families for the celebration of the Birth of Christ. It is fitting therefore, that during this family time yearly we reflect on the Holy Family of Nazareth: Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We call it “the Holy Family” because it is the most holy of Families: Mary was immaculately conceived and was sinless, Joseph was her chaste spouse, and Jesus was the Son of God. Not only that, but also because they were faithful to God and to each other. Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family, and indeed the event of Christmas in se is a feast of God’s entrance to the human family. In his project of salvation of mankind God thought it wise to begin the decisive phase from and within the context of family. Thus, he sent his Son to be a member of the family of Joseph and Mary. A closer glance at the readings of today readily suggests that the pivot around which revolves the message of this day is forbearance and faithfulness expressed in the dynamics of love, patience and togetherness. And that is what other families are called to emulate and appropriate.

          We can remember vividly well how sin affected family life in the first pages of the Book of Genesis. After eating the forbidden fruit (Gen. 2:16-17) great tension disrupted the spousal relationship between Adam and Eve. Not too long after that, the sons of Adam and Eve entered in a dispute that ended in the murder of Abel (Gen. 4:1-16). Sin wounded greatly the life of the family. Indeed, Jesus came to heal the wounds caused by sin, including that of the family. As such, God the Father sent his Son among us, and in doing that, He entrusted Him to a father and a mother. And that is the family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The Holy Family teaches us how to remain calm in the midst of all kinds of existential storms. The first reading and the Gospel in particular bring us to the consideration that our human families triumph in their trials upon connection to and with God. While the second reading brings us to the consciousness that we are God’s children, we belong to Him, we all are members of a larger family: God’s family. The readings therefore, provide different ways of understanding the importance of the family.

     The first reading (1Sam. 1:20-22.24-28) presents the value of the family and the gift of children. The gesture of Hannah, the mother of Samuel in this passage is really touching. She prayed and made her supplications ardently to God, asking God to heal her barrenness, and she made a promise to God, that if God answers her prayer and gives her a son, she will dedicate and offer him back to God, to serve God in the temple. And indeed, God did answer her prayers and she obtained the grace she prayed for: SAMUEL, gift of a male child. Samuel is the fruit of Hannah’s patient prayer and of God’s faithfulness. After receiving the gift of a child Hannah took Samuel to the temple to offer him back to God, as an exchange, so that Samuel will dedicate himself all the days of his life, to the service of the Lord.

     Indeed, in this episode there is an important message for us today, and that is the message that children are gift from God, they belong first to God and then to the parents. As such, the parents have the obligation “to give back” their children to God, though not necessarily in the manner of Hannah, but by showing and helping them to discover the face of God, walk in His ordinances and finally to help them discover God’s project on them, their vocation. The second message that emanates implicitly from this family is the fact that the family of Samuel, Hannah and Elkanah is animated by a religious spirit, be that as it may, every authentic Christian family, would be happy to offer any of her members to the Lord. Christian parents ought to be happy and joyful if the Lord chooses their children for His service, and not to be a barrier to them. Above all, in connection with the childhood of Samuel, Jesus could be seen as the eschatological prophet.

     The episode of the Gospel (Lk. 2:41-52) accentuates the difficult rapport that could exist between parents and their children, as seen apparently in the family of Nazareth, but experienced presently in the families of nowadays. In the episode of the loss of Jesus in the temple, as narrated by St. Luke, what shines through is the spirit of submission and obedience of the family of Nazareth to the prescription of the law of Moses. However, Luke did emphasize it at the occasion of the circumcision (Lk. 2:21), and at the occasion of the presentation to temple, and the purification of Mary (Lk. 2:22). Here, it has to do with the law according to which after 12 years, all Jewish men have to participate to the celebration of the feast of Unleavened Bread, at the feast of Weeks, at the feast of Shelters (cf. Deut. 16:16) in the temple of Jerusalem.

     In this episode the family of Nazareth appears in the light that we least expected, but that points to the fact that, the family of Nazareth is like every other family. Even in the family of Nazareth, there was a time when the rapport between the parents and the child appeared difficult. After the feast of Passover in Jerusalem the parents of Jesus could not see him, he disappeared into the thin air, they had to go back to Jerusalem in search of Jesus, they looked for him three days, and when finally they saw him in the Temple sitting among the teachers, Mary questioned Jesus: “My Child, why have you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you” (v. 48). And he (Jesus) responded “why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (v.49). But “they did not understand what he meant” (v.50), as St. Luke reported, who knows for how long Mary and Joseph remained in this state of incomprehension.

     Above all, however, from the family of Nazareth emanates some indications on how to confront and resolve the problem of the difficult rapport between parents and children:

●From the response of Jesus we see that the problem finds its solution, if we put God in the first position, God as our absolute value. In the passage we see Jesus’ growing awareness of his unique filial relation with God, as manifested through the appellation “my Father”. This awareness certainly will be the foundation for his later obedience to the Father’s will.

●From the comportment of Mary, “who stored up all these things in her heart” (v.51), she was meditating, reflecting and connecting all the words and happenings concerning Jesus, in order to understand the mystery surrounding Him. Parents have to learn how to look for solutions through a reflective attention, in meditation and prayer, rather than resorting to the frenetic ways of resolving issues, especially family problems.

●From Mary and Joseph, Parents have to learn to respect the inclinations, the aspirations and the freedom of choice of their children, even though they are obliged to give them guidelines and advice.

     The second reading (1Jn. 3:1-2.21-24) considers the Christian family as a community of God’s children. Truly, the most profound reality of our being Christians does not lie on the acts of worship, but on the fact of being children of God: “Beloved, what great love the Father has for us, to be called his children, and that is what we really are”. Therefore, God is our Father, he loves us, not just because we are his creatures, but particularly because he has made us to be reborn through grace, by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ and by the work of the Holy Spirit; we are “new creatures” and we participate in the divine life. St. John went further to affirm that “until now we are children of God”, but we shall be God’s children fully in the life to come, when “we will be like him, because we shall see Him as He is”, already on this earthly life we know Him covertly and imperfectly, but in heaven we shall see him directly face to face. The Christian community therefore, is a community of persons that have not only the bond of blood in common, but the supernatural bond of grace.

          The Holy Family is at the center of our reflection today. And we cannot but affirm that it is a family sui generis! The Holy Family was not a smooth and problem free family, rather it was a family with her numerous problems and internal conflicts, yet they remained faithful to each other. That is why it could be suggested as a paradigm to our Christian families. The Holy Family was a family with special grace yet a family with trials. The Holy Family is the model for families because despite their many trials, the family remained faithful and united. If we cursorily look back, we cannot but remember how Mary conceived through the Holy Spirit (Lk.1:35), without the knowledge of Joseph; how Joseph decided to pack her belongings and ready to drop her (Mt. 1:18-19), before the angel came and changed his mind (Mt. 1:20). What about their troubles, trials and insecurity in Bethlehem (Lk. 2:8b; Mt. 2:13-14), all those angels (Lk. 2:9.10), the shepherds (Lk.2:8), the wise men (Mt. 2) with their stories that even Mary didn’t understand? The gospel passage of today, indicated how poor they were, to the extent that they were not able, to sacrifice the normal offering of a Lamb at the occasion of the circumcision of their Son, rather they presented the gifts of the poor: a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons (Lk.2:24; cf. Lev. 12:6-8).

          Besides, we heard the rather unhappy prophecy of Simeon, that a sword will pierce the heart of the Mother (Lk. 2:35). We cannot but remember their flight to Egypt in the middle of the night (Mt. 2:14), with the cries of the murdered children in Bethlehem everywhere. We recall how He (Jesus) ran away from them, and how they had to search for him for three days, before he was found in the temple (Lk. 2:45-46). Remember what the mother told him: “My child, why have you done this to us?” and his seemingly unhappy reply: “why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Lk. 2:48.49). Behold, these difficulties did not stop, even as He grew up, for we still recall that episode when they heard about his preaching and miracles, how Mary and some members of the family got scared, they went after him, to get him back home, thinking that he had lost his mind (Mk. 3:21). We cannot but remember the marriage event at Cana (Jn. 2), they didn’t seem to have understood each other (Jesus and Mary).

          As we celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we need to appropriate the virtues emanating not only from the Holy Family but also from the readings of this day into the reality of our different families. In our society today, where the institution of marriage and family is under serious attack, we need to swim against the currents of this contemporary world that are inimical to the wellbeing of the family. We need to identify these anti-values that are served at the supermarket of our present society and in the means of social communication, ranging from the rebellion of the children, quarrels and confrontations between husband and wife, little or no interest on the children by the parents and excessive interest on the children by some possessive parents to the abandonment of the children by the parents and that of the parents by the children. Conscious of all this, we need to endeavour to construct a family founded on the family values present in today’s liturgy of the word: respect and appreciation, obedience and mutual help, concern and care, prudence and the search for family stability, goodness and reciprocal love. We need to incarnate these values in our families and society today in order to ward of the anti-values that are fast destroying the concept and the commitment of the Christian family. Today we need to insist on the importance of responsible parenthood; else we end up raising drug addicts, delinquents, and violent children because of the absence or irresponsibility of the parents. Some of the challenges facing families today, is that there is no enough time to be together and to pray together. In all we cannot but affirm that the true model of the Christian family is the family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: the Holy Family.

          Above all, the Holy family was not an easy Family, not even a very normal family, but they excelled in one thing, and that is where we have to take them as model and paradigm for Christian families; and that is the fact that despite all these odds, they remained faithful to each other. The faithfulness of Joseph to Mary, even though not being the father of the child. The faithfulness of Mary to Jesus, when she heard about his arrest and condemnation, she went to Jerusalem to be with him, she stood by him till death. Mary indeed is faithful like a rock. Jesus in turn remained faithful to the Mother even at the point of death, for some of his last words were for Mary: “Mother, behold your Son. Son, behold your mother” (Jn.19:26-27). We are called therefore, as families, little churches to appropriate the virtues of the Holy Family, especially that of faithfulness and forbearance. We are called to be faithful like them! As we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family today, we pray that our human families torn apart by the presages of hatred and violence may imbibe the virtues of love, forbearance, togetherness and faithfulness that distinguished the Holy Family. We pray that the Holy Family of Nazareth may obtain graces for our families, may preserve them in serenity and concord, so that Christian couples will remain duty bound to realize the model of marriage and of family designed and desired by God. Amen!!!

(Fr. Vitus Chigozie, SC)

Monday, 23 December 2024

We Have Come To Adore Him!

(Homily for Christmas, Mass during the Day)

          Today, with great joy and solemnity we celebrate Christmas - the feast of God's magnanimous and unconditional love, the feast of God's Self-gift to mankind. Christmas is God's gift placed in human hands’. A real Gift wrapped in swaddling clothes (Lk. 2:12). One may ask why this yearly celebration for a Child that was born more than 2000 years ago, but it is only with and through the eyes of faith that one can understand why this Child is perennially adorable. Christmas is not an event of the past, but more importantly, it is also an event of today and each day. Only the Word of God, welcomed simply in our hearts can reveal to us the mystery surrounding this Child of Bethlehem, and indeed, the pre-existent Word of God throws more light to the mystery of the grotto of Bethlehem. Interestingly, the readings of Hebrew 1 and John 1 reveal that we are not merely celebrating the birth of a baby, rather the mystery of God’s self disclosure and communication in Jesus. His coming into the world is part of the dynamic process of God’s self-communication. The Christian God does not present Himself as a supreme entity that resides impassive on His throne of changeless eternity, but He descended and stooped so low to take the human flesh. The mystery of the Incarnation is so great and attracting that no matter how hard one tries, it cannot be jettisoned. The mystery is so great that the great thinkers of all times could not exhaust it. Indeed, I have allowed myself to be drawn by the irresistible attraction of this mystery. And together with the angels and shepherds i have come to contemplate the real gift of Christmas: The Child Jesus (a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes). Come let us adore Him the pre-existent and eternal Word!

          In the First reading (Is. 52: 7-10) Prophet Isaiah proclaims the reign of God, that is being realized now by God’s mighty act. In the context of this passage, the mighty act is the return from exile. Whereas for us it is the Birth of the Child of Bethlehem: Jesus, as announced by this angelic hymn. Therein, Yahweh returns to Zion (v. 8) to comfort his chosen people (v.9), and indeed, his mighty work of salvation is seen by all men (v.10). The prophet announced the universality of God’s salvation. Behold, “all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God”. “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings. What is this good tiding? Jesus is the good tiding. And what is the good tiding all about? Is a tiding of peace, goodness, God’s presence, tenderness and salvation. The prophet says to Zion and to us today “your God reigns”. The Lord has comforted his people, Isaiah says, because he sent his only Son, the Saviour. Even the psalmist joins in this universal exultation: “All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God” (Ps. 98:3).

          In the Second reading (Heb. 1:1-6), the sacred author writes vehemently about the manifestation of God to men, not through Kings or prophets, but now through His Son. And that is the greatest novelty of the mystery of Incarnation. Jesus is the definitive Word of the Father, the supreme revelation of the Father. The writer of the letter to the Hebrew presents Jesus as the highest revelation and definitive Word of the Father (Okwu ekwuru ihe agbañwo). In the words of the writer, “In the olden days God spoke to our fathers in various ways through the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us through his Son”. He says that the dignity of Jesus is more than the angels, because no angel was given a name that he was given, which name? “Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father (A child and a Father) Jesus is called Father, in participation to the Father’s paternity, “from whom every fatherhood in heaven or on earth takes its name” (Eph. 3:15), Prince of peace” (Is. 9:5), Jesus, Emmanuel. Therefore, all the angels adore Him, and if the angels of God adore Him, what of we humans. Let us join our voices together and shout “we have come to adore Him”. Behold, this passage of the letter to the Hebrew reaffirms the Pauline expression: “He is the image of the unseen God, the first-born of all creation, for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth: everything visible and everything invisible, thrones, ruling forces, sovereignties, powers- all things were created through him and for him. He exists before all things and in him all things hold together” (Col. 1:15-17).

          The Gospel (Jn. 1:1-18) of today exhumes once again the pre-eminence and pre-existence of the Word of God, for, “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God”. St. John starts with the beginning because Jesus is the eternal Word of the Father, the Word that was used in the creation (Gen. 1:1-3), all was made through him, “ihe nile di adi siri n’aya diri”. Be that as it may, the self-revelation (Word, Logos) did not begin with the Incarnation event, rather with creation (cf. Heb. 1:1-14). St. John in his Gospel gives us a wonderful explanation of the Incarnation (Kai o Logos sarx ergheneto). The Word of God took flesh and became one of us and one with us. The word “flesh” denotes the whole of humanity, not just the humanity of Jesus. Not only that he took the human flesh, but he dwells within and with us. Little wonder, St. Paul affirmed “in him we move, in him we live in him we have our being” (Acts 17:28).

           However, though he dwells in and within us, He remains the Eternal Word of the Eternal Father. John affirms that He is eternal like the Father. He is the true Light that enlightens all men. He is the fullness of grace from whom all draw grace. He has power to make children of God all those that welcome Him. John tells us the type of reception the Word of God received: “He came to His own and his own people did not accept him. But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God” (Jn. 1:11-12). Behold, wherever the Son is received, man is restored to divine sonship. But unfortunately till today, in so many ways, God continues to suffer rejection in the hands of men, in our societies and in our world. The event of Christmas interrogates each and every one of us. If Jesus were to come today, can we make a place for him in our home and heart? As a matter of fact, he is already there standing and knocking at the door (Rev 3:20). As Joseph and Mary did, we are invited to welcome Him. Christmas is an event of God knocking at our door. If you hear his voice and open he will also open for you when you knock.

         St. John says that “in him was life, the life was the light of all men”. He further expressed that, “Light shines in darkness, but darkness hasn’t overcome it” and I will add, and it will never overcome it. Irrespective of the fact that evil still persists in the world today, all kinds of atrocities and unimaginable crimes, yet the fact still remains: “Light shines in darkness, but darkness hasn’t overcome it”. JESUS is our light, allow him to enlighten your life. He will continue to shine, His light will continue to beam. With this consciousness we join our voices together to that of St. Augustine in saying “Oh man wake up, it was for you that God was made man”.

          In all, as emanating from the Gospel passage of St. John’s prologue, the event of today brings three important factors to our consideration: Christmas is an event of light: The Readings resonate the theme of light, and the Baby in the manger is the Light of the world (Jn. 1:9). Christmas is an event of love: John in his Gospel says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever believes in him, will not perish, but will have eternal life” (Jn. 3:16). ►Christmas is God's self-gift! The real message of Christmas is that Jesus is a gift to the world. “You will see a sign: a child wrapped in swaddling clothes” (Lk 2:12).   

          Behold, the peak of our excitement and celebration today revolves around the fact that we are not talking about a sign like in Isaiah and Mathew, but today we are celebrating his presence in our midst. The highest point of God’s revelation is this passage from sign to reality, a real presence! Truly, he is present with us in this celebration in a special way through the Eucharist. At this altar the sign of a Baby in the manger is made present in the sign of Bread, no longer wrapped in swaddling clothes, but broken for the life of the world. And with his presence in the Eucharistic Bread he becomes a Gift per excellence, not just a Gift, but equally the Food for our nourishment. Thank You Jesus! There is indeed a knit connection between the Incarnation and the Eucharist, even the place of his birth Bethlehem means “House of Bread” and with Jesus it is no longer ordinary bread, but the Eucharistic Bread. We are filled with joy in the presence of the God who comes to save us and in the salvation he has already won for us. Just as Adam rejoiced when he saw Eve “bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh” (Gen. 2:23), so too we rejoice in the presence of “the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn. 1:14), he took our human flesh.

          Brethren, let us assume the sensibility of the wise men, “we have come to adore Him” (Mt. 2:2). And really we too have come to adore Him. May we all join in this perennial adoration of the Child of Bethlehem, and as we solemnly adore and celebrate Him today, we joyfully acclaim “TODAY IS BORN OUR SAVIOR - CHRIST THE LORD”.

Come let us adore Him!

Come let us adore the Child of Bethlehem!

Come let us adore the Savior! Come let us adore this Child who is equally a Father!

Come let us adore the Emmanuel!

Come! Come!! Come!!! Wishing you all a grace-filled celebration of Christmas!!!

(Fr. Vitus Chigozie, SC)


Friday, 20 December 2024

Mary The Woman of Advent!

(Homily for the 4th Sunday of Advent Year C)

     Today we enter the fourth and last week (or better the last day) of Advent, and as we draw closer to the event of Christ, the Advent lessons as replicated in the readings take us more than ever, to the brink of the mystery of Incarnation. The Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah, which culminate in the figure of John the Baptist, find their fulfilment in the event of Christ. A careful observation along our Advent journey reveals that there is a move from John the Baptist’s mission to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The thrust of today’s message is on God’s relationship with his people, orchestrated in the manifestation of God’s power through human weakness. Our God does not sit unconcerned on His throne of Omnipotence and Divinity; He comes to us through a downward mobility in and through His Son. And in turn man/woman is required to play his or her own part in this relationship. As a matter of fact, human relationship can be synthesized into relationships with God, with man and with the external reality that surrounds him. In our liturgy today, we are interested in the first two relationships (with God and with man). The readings indicated to us majorly the relationship between Jesus and Mary (Gospel); between Jesus and his Father (Second reading), between Jesus and John the Baptist in their mothers’ wombs. Again, there is the relationship of Mary and the Holy Spirit, with Elizabeth her cousin and above all with the Word of God (Gospel). The fundamental relationship of Jesus is with his Father. It is a filial relationship of obedience, as he echoed: “I have come to do your will O Lord” (Second reading). It is the obedience of a Son who desires to be acceptable in all to the Father. This filial obedience will arrive at its dramatic end with the sacrifice on the Cross. In the mysteries and events of the life of Jesus, the Birth (Incarnation) cannot be separated from the Passion, the Birth from the Resurrection. Bethlehem points to Golgotha.

     In the first reading (Mic. 5:2-5a) prophet Micah announced the coming of the Messiah, and he determined also the place of his birth (Bethlehem). He attributed to him the characteristics of a pastor and a guide. Jesus with and through His birth in Bethlehem realized this prophecy in its fullness. Just as it was the case with the reading from the prophecy of Zephaniah last Sunday, so it is with this reading from the prophecy of Micah, for this is the only time a passage from there is used in the Sunday lectionary. As such, we cannot but use the occasion to say few things about his prophetic ministry, Prophet Micah exercised his prophetic ministry in the southern kingdom of Judah, towards the end of the eighth century, and it was during the reigns of Ahaz and Hezekiah. He experienced a lot of national crises ranging from the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel to the invasion of Judah by Assyria. However, he did not show much concern for these events, rather he was interested in the denunciation of Judah for its social injustice. Indeed, just like Zephaniah it was later edited and passages of positive promises were later added. As a matter of fact, the oracle concerning the birth of the Messiah at Bethlehem is part of the additions. It does appear the prophecy of Micah came towards the end of the exile, when the hope for the restoration of the Davidic monarchy was high. And the fulfilment of this prophecy is well orchestrated in the Gospel of Mathew (2:6), through the birth of Jesus. Prophet Micah prophesized about Bethlehem, that it will not be the smallest city of Judah, because therein will be born the ruler of Israel. And Jesus with the attitude of obedience to the history of salvation designed by the Father realizes this prophecy.

     The gesture of Mary in today’s Gospel (Lk. 1:39-45) is not just an act of courtesy, but of love. She visited Elizabeth, who was expecting a child (John the Baptist), and she stayed with her for three months, to be with her and to help her with the domestic chores. This visit of Mary to her was an episode replete with joy and exultation. As we were told, that as soon as she arrived the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy. At that time Mary has already conceived Jesus and Elizabeth felt the presence and was sanctified. Elizabeth was illuminated by the Holy Spirit and she exclaimed: “Blessed are you of all women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb” (v.42). This expression is a compendium of the greatness of the Blessed Mother. Three times in this passage Mary is pronounced “blessed”, as a matter of fact, the second verse of the Magnificat is the scriptural ground for calling her the Blessed Virgin. Again two closely related reasons are given for the title “blessed” that Elizabeth gave to her: because of Mary’s faith (v.45) which is related to her obedience (Lk. 1:38) and the bearing of the Child Jesus (v.42). Be that as it may, Mary is blessed not based on who she was or is in herself, rather she is proclaimed blessed in relation with her obedience to the Incarnation event. Her importance is incumbent upon her faith and obedience which made the Incarnation humanly possible, and more still because she gave birth to the Child of Bethlehem, Child Jesus. On the other hand, Mary too exults with the canticle of Magnificat, a hymn of praise and of gratitude to God for the wonders he has wrought. There, the presence of Jesus is a fount of joy for all, especially those who open their hearts to him (just as it was in the case of Elizabeth and Mary, even for John too). Indeed, advent and Christmas for us should signify this act of opening our hearts to Christ, removing all that may hinder his coming to and in us with His grace.

       In today’s gospel we see two women that are protagonists and first witnesses of the coming of the Savior. Both of them were in expectation of a child, but Mary the more, because she was expecting an extraordinary Child. Little wonder, she is the perfect icon of advent. In the Lucan account Elizabeth was pregnant of a son who is a fruit of divine promise, who was regarded to be barren, but God chose to bring the precursor of the Savior through the gratuitous gift of his power and of the Holy Spirit through her. Also Mary was carrying in her womb, the Son of God who was conceived by the Holy Spirit. In the case of Mary, she was God’s choice. The birth of Jesus by a Virgin, through the work of the Holy Spirit, is an evident sign of the absolute gratuitous nature of our salvation.

     The relationship between Jesus and Mary is an extraordinary relationship, for Jesus nourishes the faith of Mary, and at the same time, Jesus is nourished with her blood. The Gospel speaks of a mysterious relationship of Jesus, in the womb of Mary, with John the Baptist in the womb of Elizabeth. There are other two relationships of Mary that did not appear in the liturgical texts, but they are implicit: the relations with the Holy Spirit and with the Incarnate Word in her womb. Indeed, without these two relations we cannot explain the visit of Mary to Elizabeth. The intimate and personal relationship with the Holy Spirit made it possible for the Word of God to assume our human flesh in her womb. The relationship of Mary with the Word of God is extremely mysterious and delicate, mysterious because the fecundation was the work of God himself, delicate because she gives to God her flesh and blood, especially her love and the total gift of herself. The relationship of Mary with Elizabeth is that of service, she was moved by natural bond, but above all by the Spirit of God. Therefore, it is a natural movement and at the same time, the movement of the Spirit. In the song of the Magnificat, Mary echoes her song of joy and thanksgiving to the Father, for the marvels she carries in her womb, despite her nothingness and humility. Again, in Mary, the prophecy of Micah is fulfilled.

       Mary is our model this season: “Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her from the Lord(v.45), as Elizabeth exclaimed. The faith of Mary is demonstrated in her perfect disposition and total acceptance of the divine initiative and her cooperation with the work of salvation:I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to your words” (Lk. 1:38). With the faith of Mary a new era was heralded in the Church and in the world. She welcomes and waits for the fulfilment of God’s Word, She is really a woman of Advent! From her womb she gave us the Messiah; she was the one that awaited for Him with profound intensity, and ardent desire. That is why the Second Vatican Council says of her: “She stands out among the poor and humble of the Lord, who confidently hope for and receive salvation from Him. With her the exalted daughter of Zion, and after a long expectation of the promise, the times are fulfilled” (LG. 55).

     The second reading (Heb. 10: 5-10) describes Christ’s sacrifice in terms of the offering of his body, in the obedience to the will of his Father. The letter to the Hebrews reveals the fundamental disposition of Jesus, in doing the Father’s will, starting from the first instant of his life till the Calvary experience. “When Christ came into the world, he said: You wanted no sacrifice or cereal offering, but you gave me a body. You took no pleasure in burnt offering or sacrifice of sin; then I said: Here I am, I am coming in the scroll of the book it is written of me, to do your will, God” (Heb. 10:5-7). As a matter of fact, this according to the author of the letter to Hebrews is the reason of the Incarnation. For Christ assumed the human body as an instrument to offer his perfect obedience to the Father on our behalf. This passage situates the incarnation well into the supreme goal: the atonement. Bethlehem points to Golgotha.

      Somehow like Mary, we await for the coming of the Savior, certainly, we do not live the advent experience with the mentality of the people of Old Testament. For the Savior has already come. The Savior has come, but the promises of God have not been fully fulfilled. The kingdom of justice and peace inaugurated by Jesus is still an ideal towards which we are looking forward to its complete realization. In that sense, we can say that Christ is still “the one who is to come” the Veniente, he is the one who is to be born in our hearts and in the world. As such, Mary becomes our model and a perfect icon for those who wait for and on their Lord. Mary conceived the Savior, but she could not contend the joy, so she set out to meet Elizabeth. Indeed, we may well posit that Mary took Jesus to the family of Elizabeth, because upon their arrival there was joy, even the little baby John in the womb leapt for joy.

     Mary is our model this season because she knows how to continue the process of Incarnation, of taking Jesus to others. This is the principle of incarnation, God going or coming towards man. We are called to cue in, in this principle by taking Jesus to people, especially to the poor and the weak. It is only through the process of this continuous incarnation that the Savior will be born in our hearts and in our world. Mary teaches us how to believe in the Word and promises of God without “ifs” and “buts”. According to Origin of Alexandra, the most beautiful image of a Christian is that of a pregnant woman, who is carrying a new life. It is not necessary that she speaks, her message is evident to all: two hearts are beating in her. Analogically, a Christian lives this experience, he carries within him or her a new life (the Child of Bethlehem), and therefore lives in a continuous expectation. Till today, God is still searching for new mothers to incarnate himself. Let us welcome Him as Mary did. May our Blessed Mother Mary teach us how to welcome the Savior in our lives as she did! Amen!!!

 (Fr. Vitus Chigozie, SC)

Friday, 13 December 2024

Rejoice in and For His Presence!

(Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Advent Year C)

     Today’s readings center on joy, even the Entrance antiphon started with the universal invitation to rejoice. Little wonder, this third Sunday of Advent is known as the Sunday of joy (Gaudete Sunday). The invitation to rejoice is in the imperative, which means that the joy we are invited to have is not dependent on human conditions, the basis is a Person: Jesus, the Child of Bethlehem, il Veniente. The joy that we are invited to have is not a subjective joy, that is sentimental and only manifested in form of excitement, rather it is an objective joy that is founded on realities that are joyous in themselves. We are exalted to rejoice today as a community of believers. It is God’s will that the story of man inundated with suffering and lamentations after the experience of sin be accompanied with the Good News of Joy. It is indeed, wonderful, for a people “living in darkness and in the shadow of death” to receive the promise and message of light and joy. Advent is not by any means a gloomy season, even though it has a penitential dimension, hinged on John the Baptist’s message of repentance. Advent is loaded with a crescendo of Joy and incessant invitation to rejoice, orchestrated by the Advent wreath, which starts with one lighted candle and ends with four candles.    

     Right from the beginning of the Incarnation event, joy has been the password with which to savor the density of this love story between God and humanity. At the event of the Annunciation, the angel said to Mary: “Rejoice, you who enjoy God’s favour” (Lk. 1:28), even John the Baptist exults of joy in the womb of Elizabeth, when Mary visited Elizabeth, already carrying Jesus in the womb, “Look, at the moment your greeting reached my ears, the child in my womb leapt for joy” (Lk. 1:44), and the angels announced to the Shepherds the birth of the Son of man as a message of great joy, “Look, I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people” (Lk. 2:10). But today when we take a look at all the happenings in our society, ranging from human suffering, marginalization, violence, the presages of war, deprivation of freedom, hunger, forced immigration to the deadly pandemic ravaging the whole world. Indeed, in this existential context, the invitation to rejoice appears to be a strange one, because apparently there is no motive to be happy, there are many things that do not happen as we desire or imagine, we are sad and despondent. But today’s invitation is a special one. It is not a superficial joy, but an interior, spiritual and profound joy, motivated by hope and faith in the Messiah, who comes to transform us and change our ugly human situations.

     The first reading (Zeph. 3: 14-18) comes from the Prophecy of Zephaniah. As a matter of fact, in the whole of the three-year Sunday circle, this is the only occasion when a passage from the prophecy of Zephaniah is read. Be that as it may, we cannot but spend few words on this minor prophet. The prophetic activity of Zephaniah coincided with the beginning of Josiah’s reign around c. 640-630. There is a high probability that he was in Jerusalem and his prophecies revolve majorly on predictions of judgment. Indeed, it does appear that the passage we read today is from the only positive part. It is made up of an invitation psalm, addressed to Zion, inviting her to rejoice for her salvation is near. At the heart of this passage is the message of excited expectation for God’s intervention in human history and that situates it well into the context of Advent.

     Zephaniah reminded the elected people their mission and tried to instill in them hope and courage: “Sing aloud, O daughter of Zion; shout, o Israel! Rejoice and exult with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem(v.14). And this joy is based on the conviction inherent in the prophecy of Zephaniah that the Lord is near.  The king of Israel is in your midst, you shall fear evil no more(v.15). So, the foundation of this joy is God’s presence in the midst of his people. He is in the midst of His people as an assurance of hope. For this, the prophet insisted “do not fear, o Zion; let not your hands grow weak(v.16).  Once again, another reason for joy is according to what the prophet said that God loves you, and because He loves you, he chose you, and he wants to raise you up from your humiliation, he wants to renew and save you. For He says: “He will renew you in his love(v.17). Likewise for each and every one of us, our profound motive for joy should be the conviction that God loves us. His love transforms and renews. Renew us O lord by, with and in your Love!

     In the responsorial psalm Prophet Isaiah (12) unites his voice to that of Zephaniah: “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation…Sing and shout for joy, O inhabitants of Zion”. The water that the Prophet is inviting the people to draw from God is water of joy and hope, that which quenches the thirst of the heart and not just the thirst of the throat. Today we depart from the usual practice of using the Psalms for the responsorial psalm; instead we have the first song of Isaiah. The song gives thanks for the divine salvation which was promised in the Old Testament and is now at the verge of fulfillment with the coming of the Messiah. This makes it fitting for the Advent season.

     In the second reading (Phil. 4:4-7) St Paul followed suit on the theme of Joy, and extended the invitation to rejoice to the Christian community. The great commandment that was directed to the daughter of Zion is now directed to us: Brethren: rejoice”. It is necessary and also interesting to know that when Paul was writing this letter he was in prison, therefore, he was not lacking hardship, afflictions and trials. However, he continues to invite all to rejoice. St. Paul further said: “Have no anxiety for anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (v.6). St. Paul invites the Philippians to rejoice not because they are immune to trials and hardship. We are to rejoice even in the midst of trials, because the presence and the closeness of God transform the trials to sources for and of joy and hope.

     This passage can be considered a little catechism of Christian joy, it begins with the invitation to “Rejoice”, and this joy is not to be mistaken for bubby joy or superficial excitement. In fact, going back to the words of the Apostle, he gives us an indication of how to rejoice. For we may ask, rejoice, how? He precisely says “in the Lord”. The basis of our joy is the Lord, the Veniente, not on exterior or material things. And again, rejoice, why? What is the reason of and for this joy? The reason is because “the Lord is near”, as St. Paul opined. With the birth of Jesus, God became very close to us in an unimaginable and unprecedented manner. He became one of us, our companion on our existential journey yet he transcends us. He does not abandon us, remember the episode of the disciples of Emmaus (cf. Lk. 24:13-32). Here, comes the third question, rejoice, when? St. Paul tells us “always”, not once in a while, not only when things are rosy, but he says always, for the Lord loves us always, “You took us and the Lord as your model, welcoming the word with the joy of the Holy Spirit in spite of great hardship” (1Th. 1:6). Joy has to be a state of mind of a Christian constantly and permanently, because Jesus wants us to have “fullness of his joy” (Jn. 17:13), and “your hearts will be full of joy, and that joy no one shall take from you” (Jn. 16:22). Jesus tells us “ask and you shall receive, so that your joy will be complete” (Jn. 16:24). It is prayer that helps us to find light in the moments of obscurity, serenity when the tempests of life roar. Prayer is the fount of joy, of serenity and of peace.

     In the Gospel passage (Lk. 3:10-18) we see the episode of John the Baptist’s preaching. The first part of this passage according to some exegetes is the Baptist’s preaching to various people, but to the crowd in general, the tax collectors, and the soldiers. The second part is Baptist’s messianic preaching. He disclaims out rightly that he is the Messiah. He pointed out to the coming of another, stronger than him, “He who is mightier than I”. Different from the Baptist who administers baptism with water, the Mighty One will baptize with Spirit and fire. Here, the self-effacing attitude of John the Baptist gleams through, he points to the Other. This self-effacing attitude of John should be exemplary for today’s preachers and prophets, they should learn to point men and women away from themselves to Christ. On the other hand, we cannot say with certainty that John had Jesus in mind when he was speaking of the Strong One. Most probably his conception of the Messiah was more judgmental than salvific, little wonder while in prison John sent envoys to ask Jesus, whether he is the one or they are to expect another (cf. Lk. 7:19).

     In the passage of today’s Gospel, St. Luke indicates something more concrete and more exigent in our preparation for the Lord’s coming. After hearing and listening to the preaching of John on repentance, different sets of people were propelled to ask questions on what they should do. To those who were asking John the Baptist: “What shall we do?” (v.10) to repent, to change their ways, he responded in a clear and distinct manner: ●To the multitude He said: “He who has two coats, let him share with him who has none; and he who has food let him do likewise”. ●To the tax collectors: “Collect no more than is appointed you”. ●To Soldiers: “Rob no one by violence or by false accusation, and be content with your wages”. May we too cue in and ask: what shall we do? What shall I do? God’s word always calls man to action, it is provocative.

     In all, there is no true joy without Christ, and one cannot welcome Christ if he remains a slave to his egoistic tendencies, individualism and insensitive to the needs of others. More than anything else, the period of Advent propels us to put in practice the demands of the Gospel, and to give witness of sharing, solidarity and moderation. Today, the word of God propels us to make resolutions for a better Christian life. We are called to rejoice, not egoistically, but together. The enemy of joy is not suffering, but egoism. We are not just called to rejoice, but our joy must be fruitful (as seen in the gospel). As we continue to wait for His Coming may the joy of the Lord be our strength (cf. Neh. 8:10). Lord Jesus, may your joy always radiate in us and may nothing on earth rob us of the joy that comes from you, Our Mighty Saviour! Amen!!

(Fr. Vitus Chigozie, SC)



Do Not Let The Devil Win!

(Homily for the 1 st Sunday of Lent Year C)           Every first Sunday of Lent we read the Gospel passage of the temptation of Jesus, w...